Tag: Internet
Diagnosing Lore-Brain
I’m sorry, its terminal We live in an era of massive self referentiality, of things looping back on themselves over and over and over. This is, to my mind, destabilizing and upsetting in a way most people aren’t totally equipped to think about or explain. There is a sense of an ever-closing wall of possible…
AI and Eugenics
A quick shoutout to an excellent article I read recently Published today in Volume 29 of First Monday, Timnit Gebru and Emile P. Torres have written what I think is one of the interesting and well timed articles of the year. In their article, The TESCREAL bundle: Eugenics and the promise of utopia through artificial…
Is the internet dead? Are we?
So you can stop asking me what my thesis is about The overwhelming impression that you get when speaking to people about their experience of using the internet is as an almost malign, parasitic force in their lives. When talking to my students about whether or not the internet was making us stupider, or more…